ir a principal |
Ir a lateral
and may the slightest light start a fire
take up these someone other's signals in the smoke,
consider them whispering away
may the clouds fold unto the carpet fibres,
cause heaven to roll into bedrooms
and hold everything that gravity's only thinking of keeping down
the inside worms climbing trails
where i imagined trees and canopies,
there are no birds there;
they feel safer where they can't be picked at
along they drag
swallowed emotions in stone
they scrape, rake,
i pay them less attention
and wait for the slightest light to blaze between my shoulders
it's come to this
the way that towers push against the ground
to be tall
is a little misunderstanding,
but let me fold a corner on that one
so i can come back to it
if my chest were a ballroom floor,
then there have been steppings and creaks all through
into my chandelier neck;
the air thicked with skirts waving,
gazes across the room holding on to my ribs.
purple, elegant, glimmering masks
sprawling around pairs of isles
trying to archipelago
trying to ginger through the tectonics
of my organelles,
flooded with the music of several hearts beating.
the music has kept
asking for a hand
the music has kept
a hand on my shoulder
a hand on my hip
a hand in my clasp
a head on my breast
the string of my eyes stretching and stretching 'til i can really see
the yarn in front of me being spun
and the cat getting tangled
on its back
pawing at the towering air