Boldness and bravery connect too soon,
too soon do heroes appear disparaging;
they look, bored, unimpressed
at what they had made and forbid
any talk of it happening again.
Suck it, abstraction,
vacuum the senses out on full power,
then repeat the picayune without their
wind blowing them up into some
perfect display of navigation.
The heroes will find their way away,
sway lead them back where they came,
but unable to complain, somewhere
will be lighter without an excess
of feathers clogging up the railway.
Pick the pellets up
and throw them in with the coal
and watch, volcanic piss, ventriloquism
be replaced by fascism, with no hero
in sight to fight the better than worse fight.
Catch on to what they say.
Don't give up just because you don't understand, but don't try to understand.
And more plays…
6 months ago
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