This is addressing that will, that fletchling of a thought that seeks certainty in all, that wants to be sure what I say is right, or qualified, or correct, so as to avoid any confrontation that might ensue... You won't find it, ever. You can never be so sure of everything. And you cannot hold back from risk-taking because of that.
You may ask how sure I can be of these words? Well... you can wonder all you like and try to find the security even if words that say there is not security, but the realisation that there is no being totally sure is just a step into the risk direction. You can't be sure. And you can't be sure that you can't be sure, either. We can go on. But my point remains. You never know.
So to the thought that say you could still somehow know... I don't think it knew.
Haha I can't say anything.
Which is precisely why I can say anything. I can't be sure of it... but I can say it.
The gap is bridged by trust.
And more plays…
6 months ago
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