in the.re
between u.s
neither of /u/s/
but i.s
dotted... dotted...
following otherwisdum.b
cut up
And more plays…
6 months ago
an experience
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Explain this one to me (here, or in person)?
This is abjection in poem form - the reflexive self - constructing a self based on the differences perceived by another.
Each line (almost) has plays on words. There and here. In there, in the space in there. Between us. Neither of us. I'm trying to place the self by attracting attention to that space by negating or breaking concepts down.
I didn't think exactly how to express what I wrote. I just wrote it, running of an emotion and a desire to re-express abjection after feeling like I misinterpreted what it meant in the Abjection post.
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