This was a year I saw
the sky as a space
where fingers play and make up worlds,
mine included.
It was the year I navigated
interrupted lines alone,
and towards the end,
together without permission.
It was the year I arranged words
with clarity and intent;
the year of A+ in English;
the year of settling on the next step.
It was the year of strength,
and the small construction sites
I visited most weeks
to build it.
It was the year of pages being turned,
and thought-up inkwells
spilled for the pleasure
of metaphors.
It was a year I returned to roots,
and found them growing
within me, nurtured
by my journeys to and fro.
It was a year that taught me
until the last day
that I am enough.
This was a year I saw
myself as a space
where heart plays and joins together
And more plays…
6 months ago
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