I walk into a memory.
Glass, window, wall, four walls, room, space.
I've never seen this place as it is today.
So free! There's the usual desk,
The computer, the keyboard, the keys,
The books, the bed, the birthday jar from Jasmine.
It's the same.
The computer, the keyboard, the keys,
The books, the bed, the birthday jar from Jasmine.
They're there, and I am here.
I am in space.
The moon circles me, over and over and over
and over and over and over and over
and over.
And the moon is spinning around and around.
In circles.
Again and again. Over and over. The same.
I wake up.
I wash, I dress, I eat, I do, I eat, I do,
I eat, I do, I eat, I do, I dress, I sleep.
I wake up.
A circle is a funny thing,
A straight line that meets itself.
The same road that has the same landmarks,
With no intersections.
And on either side of the road is a field.
Grass, cows, trees, plants, miscellaneous vegetation,
That goes on and on and on and on.
I've seen myself so many times,
Shaken my hand,
Talked to me.
A dialogue that went around in a circle.
It's my engagement ring.
I look through it now.
And more plays…
6 months ago
A circle is a funny thing. Perhaps a circle holds everything together. Everything within. The same circle does have the same landmark(s). But as you walk around, you see different parts of the landmark(s). You gain a different perspective. You don't always see what you want to see. So. If seeing is believing, why would you believe what you don't want to see.
Not saying that is how I interpreted the forth stanza. But it ignited my train of thought.
Thank you.
What if believing is seeing, instead of the other way around? As in, you believe something and it begins to manifest in your life?
Thank you for your comment.
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