How am I? How do I feel?
Excellent question. I should be asking this of myself more often. I used to like asking it because it was an icebreaker, then with use it became a formality, insignificant. Filler. Pointless. Burden. Not so, because I recognise now that there is much value in it. It's a way of checking in, to see how I'm going. I get asked, and I ask myself nowadays too. So I get to consider how I feel. How do I really feel? Usually when I ask people they either go nm (not much) or gud, or alrite, or okay, or fine. What do those emotions translate to me? Numbness. If the person says they're good, it translates to me as an overall positive disposition but not actually feeling all the emotions for whatever reason. Splitting hairs? Maybe I am analysing it too much which is supported by the length of the paragraph if quantity is solely considered.
How do I feel? I am not good, I am not fine, I am not excellent, I am not amazinglyawesomelycoolxoxo, I am not fantastic, I am not bored, I am not sad, I am not not bad. I am not how I feel. Yes, there is a feeling, but I am not that feeling. And thanks to the lessons of Life from blog posts, Eckhart Tolle and other teachers that Life sent my way (and thankfully is continuing to send in order to bolster my growth), I recognise that truth. I do not identify with what I feel, simply because I am not sadness or pain or goodness or happiness or whatever. They are just dots on the spectrum of emotions, and I can't be one dot one moment then another dot the next. I am not a line either :P
I have come to realise that feelings are here to be experienced and thus to teach, and pushing them away is counterproductive because I cannot learn the lesson. This realisation has of course come from the frustration that comes with suppressing emotion, particularly pain. I've been trying to deal with pain by pushing it down or squeezing it with 'love' but I simply was trying to force it away which is not the way to go. If there is pain, I am not it, I am simply the space for it, and that goes with every feeling. That means that the emotion can be felt, experienced, in its own accord. It carries a message and it shall deliver it when I let it do so.
I cannot control my emotions. I understand. Therefore, I let thee be. Be.
Am I worried? I used to be, but now I recognise this is a feeling too. It's a feeling of fear, the fear of not being in control. It's funny :) These past few years unconsciously I've been seeking to control my life, control my emotions, the feelings that I feel. I wanted to dictate much happiness and no sadness, no hurt. I've been foolish. I can't do that and expect to live happily. Say irony? I can't have only happiness and live happily. I wouldn't know the difference, because if I were to have all this happiness, I would be driven to find more, higher happiness. It'd be a loop spiraling out of control but trying to gain control. Paradox :) Logically, grasping this is difficult, but life is not humanly logical. Maybe it is universally logical, but I can't justify that with human logic.
I surrender. Yes. I am not going to try to control, to exclude, to separate, to divide, because life is infinitely open, full (and empty at the same time), and united. One = All. My control defies the truth of life, and that just means I'm arguing with what is, which is absurd. So instead of using my energy to control, I now experience. What it is, life, love, joy, peace, truth. I accept it is.
And more plays…
6 months ago
Before I start my rant you are definitely "amazinglyawesomelycoolxoxo" xD
Firstly, it HAS definitely lost at least 98% of its meaning. Sometimes I feel the urge to just lie so that the conversation will carry on. Also, I notice that people rarely start conversation anymore unless they want something. I notice a friend was talking to me a lot a few weeks back. Start conversation. Say random things that would keep the conversation going. RETURN the question. It's.. just so cool when someone does that. And it makes you feel good inside. Unfortunately, at present I am the one who start the conversation with.. not high expectations but high anticipation of something great happening to just receive them saying "alright lol". It didn't even answer my question which was "Yo what's happening?". She continued to tell me it was her auto-responder. I'd never been so disappointed with her.
Conversation is an amazing thing. But some people just don't get it.
Moving on from this aspect (I now have a new blog topic xD). In your second to last paragraph you stated the whole feeling of fear and being in control. I have this as well. It almost feels like someone is playing your heart as strings upside-down. I have learned that what may appear beautiful may be far from. Inside they are devilish. Finally in your last paragraph, what you said seems like a good way to live by! I have to say though, I love being in control; but to be controlled is just. You know what I mean. Life is not fair, everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others. The most we can do is to conquer these obstacles and this world is ours.
Thank you Autumn :)
The loss of meaning is also something that's happened to 'lol'. Whenever something is actually 'lol' it now becomes 'LOL' or 'ROFL!!!!'
I don't really remember what it's like to be in control. I don't remember being able to control thoughts just like I don't remember being able to control my bloodstream or heartbeat. It's all done without my personal control, which I am grateful for.
Life is perfect the way it is. Life isn't one way, or the other way, it's no way, or it's every way.
Thank you for your response :)
I once came across an interesting idea in a book: we are toys that have been broken by the gods. If we are broken, the answer to "how am I" is "interesting": for those gods/higher powers/spectators who have given un our imperfect shape, but also for ourselves. The harder it is to to gain control and define happiness, the bigger the challenge.
Maybe the question, in this case, is not how do I feel, but what do I feel.
P.S. Mes felicitations pour le blog.
A mai ramas vreo limba in care nu am scris? E cam tarziu de germana, poate maine:p. Noapte buna!
Thank you for your insight Sandra :) That is an interesting idea. We appear imperfect under the weight of own judgement though, through our own bespectacled eyes. However we can also look the other way. We are perfect. Because we are complete, we are. If we lack something that we think we should have then are we imperfect? Or just delusional? :P
Merci :) Poti sa incerci germana maine dar o sa am nevoie de translator sa inteleg. O sa folosesc... google.
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