To you,
I am writing to you right now. The timing doesn't seem to be very fitting, after you packed my own bags for me and threw them into me and pushed me out the door.
You say I stayed too much inside and made a mess. Well, I won't deny that, but I never think of it as mess - more like creative expansion... or child's play. You know I'm right, so I don't see why you're sending me away. After so many years together, so much we have been through. Yes, you've gotten mad at me before and recently you told me how fed up you were with my antics. But we used to have such fun times, when we were both younger, we played so many games. I loved spending that time with you. And now, just because we've arrived at yet another obstacle in our relationship, you tell me you've had enough. Please... you've said that before and never actually kicked me out. After all, you are a forgiving soul, so even though I said a thing or two about the people in your life that you might not like, you know I must be right.
In case you're wondering, I don't take it back. I'm not angry you've closed the door on me, I know you'll let me back in. Then we can continue having fun together. I've pitched a tent in the void outside. I'll wait until you gather your senses.
Be quick! Don't let the present get in the way of our past times and possible future!
I'll be here.
Love you lots,
Your ego
And more plays…
6 months ago
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