We may have met, or maybe yet to have. But know from the get-go, that I am not going to be your everything. That's an expectation that, while my ego would love to fulfill, is not one that I can. I am who I am, and I've walked where I have walked, and I will try not to point to my footprints when we meet, but if you see them behind me, and you ask me about them, I will tell you where I have trodden. I will be honest. I will be. There is no other way for love to discover us unless we are open about where we have been, what doors we have closed, but most importantly which ones we have left open so that the breeze and the sunlight can have passed through.
Do not hold on to me. I won't to you. If there is pull, and there would be if it would be love, we will come together and celebrate our oneness. And why not go for long walks on the beach, or talk 'til dawn, or cuddle and kiss and look into each other's eyes as if we were looking into sincerity? I can play with your hair, you can play with my lashes. You can dream, and I can dream, but let's not hold on to what we've done or what we make up. Let footprints be, but let's celebrate now, what we are, together as one, beyond what we may look like to each other.
Love will find us. This, I know.
Be ready.
And more plays…
6 months ago
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