In my ego's world view, only things that matter deserve full attention. And the criteria for that is incredibly strict - everything has to be serious and important and has to have a great impact on all of humanity. It isn't that way, but that's the way I see it and that's the way it appears. Yet I squirm when 'big' events happen, and avoid them, because I don't want any harm done, I just want something to talk about, something to impress upon someone else. And saying this makes me feel off, because I don't really want it anymore. Seeing it only invites pain and hurt into my consciousness puts me off having it as a perspective.
Why so serious? A question. Lies. Good answer. What I feel the world is about and what it means isn't what it really is. I just saw a TED talk on "being wrong" and it reminded me that this type of thinking is wrong, because it sees a problem everywhere: out of any situation there is something to solve and all the little details, the ordinary miracles, are missed because they just don't 'seem' to impact the world that much. It's like a focal choice: to see what is there but not really what is there. The world view unconsciously filters what it sees to limit it to what it wants to see - events or things that can be exaggerated and 'seriousified' so that they can be 'fixed' by me. This is my ego's way of seeing things. It's not how it is.
How it is. That's what I'm moving towards. And it's not a way of seeing that comes from me, as if it was it would just be a different pair of my ego's shades. No, this sight is given to me, not needing further interpretation, not needing defense, as it sees everything forgiven. That, is what I want. To see everyone as they are, without judgment. To see through egos, to see through mistakes to the sameness that resonates within everyone.
Idyllic, says my ego. Truth, according to God.
And more plays…
6 months ago
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