Today's events highlight one thing: you receive what you ask for. Whether you honestly, openly, slowly, subconsciously, vengefully, sympathetically, lovingly, apathetically ask for it, you will get it. The law of cause and effect operates within the world and there are no exceptions to this.
Part of the awareness that I have gained indicates that one needs to know what questions he or she is asking in order to notice that the consequences/answers being delivered are in direct response to what was asked. No exception. The surprising simplicity of this took me aback and I refused to believe... yet one cannot deny what is true and expect it to become false. The world does not operate under rules that we have made, we simply got here, in our fortunate positions, and started our exploration. The puzzle pieces fit together one way only. Thinking, forcing, expecting, cringing, pushing, resisting otherwise is futile and has no effect on the laws because the laws simply obey themselves and push back with resistance. Causes cause consequences.
When thoughts are sent towards the universe, to God, to the beyond, into apparent nothingness or the obscured abyss of life (or whichever other dramatic, meaning-infused, emotionally-charged substantives and epithets we use), they are heard, always. When we realise they have been heard and that the answers to questions we have asked have been given, we notice a pattern, an effect of familiarity. This is the invitation of sentiment that has been received. Subsequently, the sentiment has come to the party, in whichever form it may have taken, relevance aside. We ask for a feeling, we feel that feeling, wish granted. The Genie gets a box ticked in the 'trust' column. As time goes on, we become more aware of what we can achieve. With that comes the discovery that we aren't just pieces of flesh with electrifying sludge/brain mush that makes thoughts and reasons. We have the ability to create our experiences and experience them. Cause + effect.
Personally I didn't know much about this until I watched "The Secret" then read the book of the same name. There, they called it the 'Law of Attraction' which appears to me now as some sort of New Age term for the simple principle of Cause and Effect. Ask and ye shall receive. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door will be opened. Same principle here, too, just in another form.
And more plays…
6 months ago
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