I find myself wanting to be the hero. The savior. The righteous. The one that deserves all the attention. The one that has the others gasping in amazement. The strong. The one that the others raise up and thank for aid in time of need. The ego.
In the Bible, there is this verse in the book of Matthew, "For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." Words that indicate to me the simple truth that by making myself appear as someone great, worthy of all glory and power, I would in fact be projecting out an image, an illusion, which will be ultimately humbled, reduced to the nothingness it is. Yet to humble myself first does not mean to make myself appear worthless - and the exalting that results does not come out of lack. On the contrary, humbling oneself is a recognition of truth, of completeness, of not needing more to be. And when one is true, one shines. The darkness, the absence, is dispelled; rather it is recognised as unreal. The exalting then is not one built on the crumbling foundation of want, but one rooted within love. And love is who I am. I am no hero, no savior, no one that deserves all the attention, no ego. I am whole within.
And more plays…
6 months ago
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