The sound silent, a child speaks. Walk on, dream on, sing your song of peace and reign the world in your light. Be holy, be young, be forever. Smile, walk the path that you see ahead of you, it is there, revealed for you throughout the mountains and the plains, the doors of the spirit. Among those who you walk, who you stroll with your gentle feet, your face of glass, your unbreakable mirror. The reflection is one of you, of all, of what else there is that is not mentioned but seen, heard, because it shines brightly. The beat of the drum welcomes you, 'tiz the heartbeat of your soul. The unceasing rhythmical representation of breathing, the call of the wild, the rose without which red would have nothing to be compared to. The blood of the heart, the core, the walker among gardens. The singer is who you are, you smile, your voice fills the air as you create the world you step into and you expand as your love grows, burgeons, proliferates not as a balloon would until it pops but as a wholeness reminding the lost to awaken. Bring them to life, as you bring yourself to the light. Stairway, ye climb, ye go on, ye never fight but open your arms to the shine of other souls as they bring their own light and spark the heavens alight in a scintillation only thought of by the thoughtless, the bright, the pure, the Holy. You are whole, this is your inheritance, so talk yourself out of wanting to be someone you are not and reach out into this sphere of orbit and create.
No shards exist. Nothing is broken. Everything is perfect, that you must know. Disbelieve in the pieces, the parts of the sum of the whole of the heart of the lack. They are not within.
Teach only love, for that is what you are.
And more plays…
6 months ago
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