Happiness. I want it, you want it. We both have it. It's time to realise that there is no reason for it there, because if we limit ourselves in thinking that we can only be happy if certain things happen, if so and so isn't there or if such and such happens, we'll have big fat gaps in our enjoyment of life. And the spikes that we do get will be even less short-lived.
Euphoria doesn't occur all the time, no, and it doesn't need to. Let us not make the mistake of conditioning our happiness, because when it comes to joy, it is our natural state. We are children after all, in the midst of our childhood. You could be happy because of so many things, or so you may thing, but you are happy because of you. Because you respond. Because you live, and breathe, and encounter life wherever you go. Because you are honest, because you are light. Because joy is you. I say these things and it may sound like you have to 'do' things to be happy. But that is precisely my point - you do not have to do anything. Do not make the mistake of depending on someone else for it. It is within you, and from there must it radiate, never from the outside, although it might look like that.
Be happy. We are human beings, not human doings.
And more plays…
6 months ago
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