Love, it travels by everywhere,
Reaching us where we are most,
In the heart
In the mind.
I'd digress if I wasn't being honest
When I say I care.
I am learning how to speak from my heart,
Finding out that there are simple ways
To unite those pieces fallen apart
In love.
And for this to occur, there must be peace
There must be acceptance and truth,
There must be the things that are already there
For they have never gone anywhere.
And love, love, it never disappears
For it is more than what meets the eyes,
More than a box of chocolates, more than a surprise,
It's more than what makes it up
Because it's whole.
This sentiment, it yearns to expand
For it holds its holy place in all the land
In all the land
Where it flows, it transforms,
Where it breathes, it seethes,
Where it springs, it knows its way
To a brightest day,
And it's all around, in every space,
Upon every face,
There is the light of grace
Through which we see.
Are we not lucky?
We are free.
We are love.
In many attitudes, forms and formlessness, we burgeon
And touch each other's hearts with our own.
Whether we cry out in pain or in joy
It is love that we employ;
That which we call upon, we already have
And so we are reminded.
Are we blessed? We are.
We are.
We are.
And more plays…
6 months ago
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